School Code : 60473
Affiliation No. : 2131045


Welcome to THE AARYANS

THE AARYANS, an institution of the Vedic Educational Foundation, embraces traditional values while forging ahead on the `Chariot of Knowledge` to face the challenges of the world with courage and conviction.

The noble mission was conceived by the visionaries Shri Harpal Singh Chaudhary and Chaudhary Kadam Singh. The `Chariot of Knowledge` commenced its journey on 10 April 2008.

Nestled in 8 acres of peaceful, verdant campus, THE AARYANS a co-educational institution, affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi provide state of the art infrastructure and a dynamic ambience conducive to holistic development of the child. The School aims to help the students be the most they can be and develop intellectual, emotional, social, physical, artistic, creative and spiritual potentials while maintaining highest standards of excellence.

News & Updates

Dear Parents, Warm Greetings!

Dear Reader
"Education is the ability to meet life situations." Dr. John G. Hibben.

It is really pleasure that you and we are a part of this organization which aims not just to impart knowledge but to inculcate in them compassion and humanitarian spirit. Education today requires one to mould a child into ..........

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Preeti Malhotra
Principal (THE AARYANS)
Happy Birthday
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  • Deepander

  • Naman

  • Arvind

  • Chairman's Message

    It is our mission to provide the ideal learning atmosphere, so that every student at Aim International Academy may grow up to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

  • Vice-Chairman's Message

    THE AARYANS has become a center for excellence in the field of education within a short span of its existence. The school prepares the students to meet the ....

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